Thursday, May 4, 2017

OT 425: Autism in Adults, emerging practice area Blog Post #10

     In foundations this past Tuesday, we had class regarding the emerging areas of practice. For my in class blog post, I discussed why I was interested in the health/wellness emerging areas of practice, specifically Obesity. This is a field that I am extremely interested in, but when I was researching about that area, I can across another area that is near and dear to my heart.
     My younger cousin, Grant, is turning 18 this month. He will soon be 22 and will no longer be able to stay in high school. The emerging field that is now becoming more popular is Autism in Adults. This area of practice focuses on the transition period between high school and the "real world," and is becoming popular because there is a need for programs that would help individuals integrate and be comfortable in society.
     When I think about my cousin's situation, I completely agree that there is a need for services during the transition period that he will soon have to face. Currently, his major classes at school focus on life skills and learning how to be independent as much as possible. I think that this emerging practice area is so important, and one that I hope to be involved with in some way in the future.

(Information about emerging area of practice retrieved from: Autism in Adults. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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