Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Main Takeaway from Foundations OT 425

   I thoroughly enjoyed this class. I learned that I am a perfectionist, and that I sometimes spend a lot of time on the projects. This class was necessary in providing the foundation of what OT is, and I thought that it was taught so well! I feel like all of the activities facilitated my learning, and I enjoyed having a second round on the exams. I can honestly say I learned more in this class than any of my undergraduate classes. I learned that I am a very hands on learner, so I enjoyed the documentation lab, activity analysis, and era presentations the most. The conceptual diagram project was also a good way to tie everything we had learned in the course together. The word cloud below is what I included in my conceptual diagram, and I think it really ties together what OT is and means. I think that I will really miss having this course because it was fun, and I was so interested in learning all of the material.


1 comment:

  1. I appreciate your input and insight, Katherine. I look forward to continuing to learn alongside you!
