Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Emerging Practice Areas of OT in Health/ Wellness: Obesity

      One of the emerging practice areas of OT that is of interest to me is in the area of health and wellness. Within this emerging practice area, I am particularly interested in obesity. As an undergraduate Kinesiology major, many of my courses were centered around epidemiology, physical education, health, and wellness. As a runner in high school, physical activity is something that I am passionate about and would love to be able to incorporate in some way into my practice. Obesity is beyond just being overweight, and it can lead to many health problems. It is on the rise in the US affecting individuals all across the lifespan. In addition, individuals with conditions such as spinal cord injuries and other physical/ mental disabilities are at a greater risk for obesity. Occupational therapists are involved in treating individuals with these conditions, and now, it is becoming more important to address this obesity risk as well.
     After learning about why this is considered an emerging field in OT practice, I was interested in what an OT's role would be in this particular area. OTs are influential in helping individuals make lifestyle changes in terms of routines and habits, which could help to prevent this risk of obesity. OTs can provide interventions that promote a healthy lifestyle such as implementing daily exercise and healthy eating habits. This can help with weight loss and maintaining long-term health. OTs help make individualized plans for their clients and can even promote community health programs.
     This emerging practice area relates to AOTA's Vision 2025 because the vision involves improving one's health. OTs main focus is to improve an individual's function in their daily occupations. Obesity could be a factor that is limiting one's ability to participate in these occupations, and OTs can help individuals achieve their goals in these areas.


AOTA Unveils Vision 2025. (n.d). Retrieved from https://www.aota.org/AboutAOTA/vision-


Obesity. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.aota.org/Practice/Health-Wellness/Emerging


Obesity and Occupational Practice. (2013). The American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 67, S39-

     S46. doi: 10.5014/ajot.2013.67S39 


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