Monday, April 24, 2017

Take away from OT 537 Neuro Case Study: Chucky Mullins

My main takeaway from my group discussion about Chucky Mullins was how unpredictable life is. Chucky Mullins was a football player for Ole Miss, who experienced a spinal cord injury after a tackle. We always hear about how dangerous football is as a sport, and this brings that into perspective. Annesse discussed that it was a little difficult to come up with goals for him, since he was a tetraplegic and had a trach. We discussed that some of the interventions an OT could have for him would be adapting social environments and helping him with his social abilities to help him reach his ultimate goal of finishing college. Honestly, it is so hard to imagine what this would be like to experience. During the discussion, I was trying to think of things that I would work on as an OT if I was helping a client who experienced a similar injury.

Some cool pieces of information that we learned about the whole situation was that the Vanderbilt player that Chucky tackled during the game goals and visits Chucky's grave every year. This was really neat to hear about because it was such a tragic accident that occurred. In addition, the Ole Miss alumni collected funds and built him a special house that was modified and adapted for his use. This relates to how an OT would help in this case, and I was so glad to hear that the college he attended did this for him.

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