Thursday, April 20, 2017

OT 425 Professional Development/Ethics Blog Post #6

As an OT student and eventually an OT practitioner, it is vital to represent our field, school, and our own reputation in the best possible manner. A written code of ethics holds each individual across the OT spectrum to standards for consistency, accountability, to protect the clients, and for integrity of the profession. The principles in the AOTA Code of Ethics include: beneficence, nonmaleficence, autonomy, social justice, procedural justice, veracity, and fidelity. Each of these principles protect the client and make sure they receive the best, fair, and appropriate care. They also are not limited to the workplace, and they are to be upheld even when not working. Starting to practice and uphold these principles begins in OT school! It is important to remember that as a student we are representing something so much bigger than just ourselves.

Along with the Code of Ethics, an OT student and practitioner will also need to practice continuing competency to develop goals for the future and assess skill levels. After OT school, an OT practitioner will need to commit to being a lifelong learner. If an OT practitioner chooses not to become a lifelong learner, he or she will be doing a disservice to the client, the school, and could even lose his or her job. This is necessary to participate in because OT is such an evidence-based field.  I am excited to continue as a lifelong learner because I enjoy learning new things. In addition, I think it will be interesting to learn about things that I am interested in. With continuing education, there is freedom to pick what you want to learn. If I specialize in geriatrics, for example, I can take classes that are centered on that population. It is in our client's best interest to provide the most effective interventions, and one way we can make sure this happens is through continuing competency. Being a lifelong learner will help me stay up to date with the advances in research and technology as well, which is so necessary for providing OT services!

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