Saturday, February 17, 2018

Leadership Summit Blog Post

Last week, I met with about 3 other classmates who are also leading their life skills group facilitation this week. It was an extremely beneficial experience, and I was able to collaborate with other leaders. I was not only able to give advice to other individuals who had different topics than me, but I also received feedback about my own ideas. For example, Whitney was having some difficulty deciding how to generalize her topic of health maintenance and management.  I helped her figure out some ideas in order to complete this part of her protocol, such as having us participate in goal writing at the end of the activity. In addition, I was able to ask for advice about which frame of reference to use with MOHO for my topic. By talking about it with other individuals and discussing my topic, I decided on MOHO+ PEO. I was torn between PEO and EHP, but based on my discussions with my classmates, I feel like PEO is more fitting for my topic on leisure.
For me, the most useful aspect of this experience was when I received feedback regarding my main activity for my topic. I wanted to have the members complete an activity that was enjoyable, and I had some trouble thinking of what to do. I was able to bounce ideas off the classmates that I met with, and they helped validate which idea I should do. When I was explaining the activity I was planning to Kiera, she said, “Oh! So like a vision board?” Previously, I didn’t even think to incorporate my idea into making a vision board for leisure activities, but essentially, my activity was actually making vision board. I also decided to involve client populations that they may treat as OTs into my activity to help my peers in expanding their "OT toolbox." This idea was a result of my leadership summit and talking about my ideas with my peers.
Going forward, I realize how beneficial it is to collaborate with other leaders and classmates. As an OT in the future, collaboration will be a vital aspect of my job. It is necessary to receive feedback and work together as a team with other individuals.  In addition, meeting with my classmates during class also allowed me to feel more confident about my activity and about leading my group this week.

1 comment:

  1. Katherine,
    Thank you for your thorough blog...your planning and positive take-away from the leadership summit was definitely evident in your group facilitation! Well done!
    Ms. Sasse
